Introductory stalking session

Our introductory sessions have been designed for those who want to try deer stalking and have little or no previous stalking experience. At the end of the session you will have a basic understanding of how to use a rifle safely and the principles of deer stalking with the aim of going out on a mock stalk.

A typical introductory session take an afternoon or morning, and there is normally one instructor per guest. We run these sessions on our own grounds in Hampshire, Wiltshire and Berkshire.

We would start on the range, covering gun safety, and being taught how to shoot the rifle accurately & safely from shooting sticks and bipods. This range session usually lasts between one and two hours, and guests shoot up to 20 rounds typically.

We will then go into the field for a mock stalk - we will be stalking live deer, accompanied by your instructor. We will aim to get you in the position to shoot a deer should you wish to. There is never any pressure to take a shot.

We cover everything for those wanting to get started. We provide everything from the correct calibre rifle to binoculars and bipods. We can also provide advice and assistance with Firearms Certificates (FAC) applications including liaising with your local police force.

We recommend that guests are at least 14 years old. Parents or guardians are welcome to join their children at no extra cost.

These introductory stalking sessions cost £350 + VAT with an additional fee of £125 + VAT if a deer is shot.