Fact File

  • Time difference - +1 hours GMT

  • Capital - Madrid

  • Flight time - 2 hours 25 minutes direct from any London airport to Madrid

  • Currency - Euro

  • Language - Spanish

  • Non Hunting or fishing activities - Golf, Hiking, Relaxing on by the coast

Spain has a long and varied tradition for hunting, from the Spanish Ibex to challenging Partridge, one can experience the very best shooting and hunting trips throughout the whole of Europe. 

With our partners in Spain, Camino Real Hunting Consultants, we are able to offer the highest grade shooting, accommodation and service while you experience the wonders of Spain.

The capital city, Madrid, is located in the centre of the country and boast some of the best museums in Europe. Uniquely, our main shooting estates are located about an hours drive from the centre of Madrid. Each trip is a bespoke hunting experience so we can combine partridge and duck shooting, gourmet meals in Madrid and game hunting. We will collect and transfer you to and from the airport and can also arrange hotels and restaurants reservations for those looking to stay in Madrid before and or after the hunt. 

Spanish PartridgE SHOOTING
